This tutorial addresses important issues in the design of IC protection circuits built with advanced deep sub-micron CMOS technologies, including silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and high voltage MOSFETs. The tutorial will present fundamental aspects of ESD protection design such as basic NMOS and SCR concepts, as well as gate-biased and substrate driven NMOS protection concepts. Protection design methods to meet the human body model (HBM), machine model (MM), and charged device model (CDM) will be presented. Other topics to be covered include BiCMOS protection circuits, mixed voltage protection, and compatibility to latch-up. Specific design examples will be presented to assist in understanding the methods for design synthesis. This tutorial is useful for design, device, process, product, failure analysis, and reliability engineers and will assist those attending other design related tutorials. Attendees should have a minimum knowledge of MOS device operation in integrated circuits.
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